Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Images of Spring

Things are getting busy around here and seeding and planting are in full swing. We have received our first batch of meat chickens and the egg layers are now living outside!  Here are a few recent pictures of the farm.

Sunset from the fields

Kevin chisel plowing some of the early fields

Little lettuces growing in the greenhouse

Little hens growing in the field

Baby Chicks

Only a few days old!

Romaine Lettuce


Farmer Brown

The greenhouse is filling up!

Straw mulch on the garlic

Groundworks Farm

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rutland Business Journal

The Rutland Business Journal, a monthly publication recently published this article about the farm in their April issue! Click on the image for a more reader friendly view.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Long Winter

The Writers Almanac, part of The Poetry Foundation publishes a daily poem.  Today's poem felt very appropriate as I watched flurries of snow fly by outside while seeding peppers inside the greenhouse. 

Long Winter

By Tim Nolan

So much I've forgotten
the grass

the birds
the close insects

the shoot—the drip
the spray of the sprinkler

the heat of the Sun

the impossible

the flush of your face
so much

the high noon
the high grass

the patio ice cubes
the barbeque

the buzz of them—
the insects

the weeds—the dear
—that grow

like alien life forms—
all Dr. Suessy and odd—

here we go again¬
we are turning around

again—this will all
happen over again—

and again—it will— 

"Long Winter" by Timothy J. Nolan.